Lei Haku

Word of the Day – Paʻa

PAʻA – Firm, solid, not going to fall apart.

When we make a lei, we want it to be paʻa – the bindings or braiding made firmly so that the lei will not fall apart. When making a lei for hula (or anything else), it must be paʻa so that it does not fall apart or come off during the dance, or any other activity. We would not want to give someone a poorly made lei that will fall apart when it is worn.

We can apply that same lesson to our lives. We can craft our lives to be paʻa, so that whatever happens, we keep ourselves “together.” This can include things like doing regular maintenance on our cars (changing oil, keeping coolant topped off, making sure tires are properly inflated and have enough tread) so that when we need our cars, they are in good working order. It can include regular maintenance on our homes (keeping the roof clean and painted to prevent rust, keeping weeds off the foundation to prevent foundation damage, repairing any toilet or sink leaks to prevent rot). And it can include eating properly, exercising, and getting enough rest to keep our bodies in good condition.

Me ke aloha pumehana,
Kumu Leilehua

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