Urban Kīpuka Signs LoU!

On an auspicious day, Chinese New Year 2019, the Urban Kīpuka Project signed a Letter of Understanding with the Christiansen ʻohana to take kuleana for an amazing wahi pana in Hilo!

First test site for Urban Kīpuka!

As you can see, the parcel is completely overrun with invasive species. We will be testing mitigation techniques for removing the invasives and replanting with native and traditional species. We will use traditional chants of the area as a guide fo selecting plants to use in rehabilitation, as well as traditional and kanu plants with the potential to financially support rehabilitation of the wahi pana.

To assure its safety and integrity, the exact location of this parcel will be disclosed only to those actively involved in its rehabilitation.

YOU can participate and kōkua through the Urban Kīpuka Project!